Indigenous Stools

Sergio Fingermann

Plastic artist

We are sometimes surprised by the originality of forms, uses and ornamentation of the objects that surround us. We are invaded by a fascination, a kind of revelation provoked by the unexpected formal solutions of their functions, decoration, and adequacy as to the technical aspects of execution.

It is a matter of allowing oneself to be struck by the unexpected, by the surprising. It is like unexpectedly noticing a light reaching us in the dark. Even if we keep our gaze fixed in the direction of the dark, we can make out the brightness coming toward us. Objects of common use or devotion or even decoration gain a different formal treatment, an attention, another execution which adds a singularity to that use, an affinity. This can be transformed into a unique happening, a manifestation of beauty.

We know that we cannot escape our own time; it is not at all about nostalgia but sometimes there is a need to search for a disconnection, a dissociation, flee from today so as to, through this displacement, better perceive our time.

A web is spun between past and present. There are secret, magic threads that connect forms of primitive culture, archaic forms, with those of modern times. Resonances of ancestral questions stimulate contemporary artists, serving as food for the language of contemporary art: the constitutive themes of human consciousness. Brazil is a pluriethnic, multicultural society. Indigenous culture occupies an important place in our formation, albeit given little attention. Our cultural agencies lack the understanding that the history of culture is the history of contact, of encounter.

What enchants us in these productions (imagination, synthesis, lightness) is that the destiny of the object is not always solely utilitarian. The communication of man with his surroundings is surprising: the individual sees the forest, the animals and establishes a dialogue with them, translating this into animal forms and decorating these pieces to keep a relation with the cosmos. It is a fusion of the forest with the animal and spirit worl

Festivities and rituals give life to these pieces, for in both there are coincidences of objectives, relations, symbols. What surpasses their functions and their formal aspects is that they attract us by the strength, the expressive power, the truth (of this relation). Through these creations, we find the eloquent possibility of affirmation of a vision of the world, both in the individual and collective sense.

2025 BEĨ .:. Todos direitos reservados.

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